Monday, May 21, 2007

Wait, We Repblicans Want to Control the Judiciary, Not Allow Merit (Don't Read Below)

The chronicles of the business community seeking to influence court decisions by electing judges favorable to their interests demonstrates that the integrity of an elected judiciary is seriously questioned. When lobbies can disagree with judicial decisions and act to change those rulings by using their economic power to reverse them, the judicia lbranch is compromised into one responding to influence. Granted, any means by which judges are selected creates a bias towards those involved in the process of producing judges; gubernatorial appointment and legislative confirmation can lead to judges with political slants. The best way to minimize influence injudicial selection is to allow merit selection from a committee where no one group has a majority interest. For instance, the selection committee could be composed of representatives from various groups ,such as the three governmental branches, with each group having equal representation. A subsequent political process may be inevitable, but at least the political process would work from a list of judicial candidates selected for merit, and the politicians would remain answerable to the public.


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