Thursday, December 30, 2010

How a Texan Republican Would Handle Things

Rick Perry. Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America from Washington. New York: Little, Brown, and Company, 2010.

The author writes that being Texas Governor is the job he most wants, so he presumably would less prefer being President. He believes out nation needs to change its political course. He believes in a nation whose people have faith, take responsibility for their own actions, and are self-reliant. He believes the Federal government, which in one year spends $3.7 trillion or $11,600 per person, Is too large and with 4,500 criminal laws and 103,000 pages of regulations, too complex.

This book “Fed Up!” shows his belief that Americans are overtaxes, overregulated, too restricted in what guns they can buy and how much salt they can use, and what of which doctor than can be a patient. He is upset comedian Stephen Colbert was allowed to testify before Congress. He opposes the stimulus spending plan, the auto bailout, propping up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, allowing even any illegal immigrant to enter, and letting judges decide when matters such as when life begins and if the Ten Commandments can be displayed on public property.

Perry strongly supports state governments for protecting our freedoms from becoming one national government that he argues would then dictate how we live. States are “laboratories of democracy” where good ideas that work can then be tried elsewhere. Perry sees limiting lawsuits as an example of which he supports and believes more states should try.

Perry is upset that the 16th Amendment creating the Federal income tax was meant to tax the income of only the 3% to 5% of the nation’s highest wage earners. Now it takes half the people and that the rates have increased from a 7% to 11% range to today’s 10% to 35% range.

Perry consider the 17th amendment creating public election of Senators, instead of allowing state legislatures to determine how to select Senators, a process that hurt state governments that moved the nation towards a centralized government. Perry argues that Senators should approve more Federal government spending because they are less accountable to a voting public than when state legislatures decided their fates.

Perry notes the national debt is $13.4 trillion or $43,000 per person. He is worried that economic growth is too slow to repay this debt. The debt is 90% of GNP. The only time this ratio was higher was at the aftermath of World War II. He argues the U.S. recovered in the 1950s because it did not have to spend as much as social welfare to which we are now committed to spend.

“Social security is a failure”, Perry writes. It is a system “underestimates their intelligence, their desire to return with greater stability”.

Perry supports free markets. He opposes requiring people to purchase government approved health insurance.

Perry sees Federal government incentives on education as means to get states to follow the will of the Federal government. He further criticized EPA for undermining state environmental actions. He sees the EPA as an instrument for controlling state governments rather than one that protects the environment. Further, he is upset that Supreme Court Justices who are not elected (despite his suspicions over electing Senators) can impact lives.

Perry believes state government knows best how to handle their own criminals and that uniformity of treatment is not important. He is upset over restrictions on religion in public schools.

Perry is angry that the Federal government is slow to pay state governments funds to imprison illegal immigrants.

Perry is concerned a treaty reducing weapons will undermine our military security.

Perry observes the average Texan pays about twice more in taxes for Federal government services than for state and local government services. He argues that state and local governments are more responsive to local concerns.

Perry calls for repealing Obama’s health care plan, state governments standing up to the Federal government, moving towards a smaller Federal government, the election of Constitutionalists, reducing Federal spending, and either create a flat income tax or repeal the 16th amendment in favor of a national sales tax.


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