Monday, February 01, 2010

We Know No Republican Would Hide the Truth Like This

Daniel Archangel. Two Babies. Liverware Publishing, Inc. 2009.

This intriguing and well written novel provides insights into the emerging powers of the Internet as a political fact checking source. Bloggers and Internet researchers are confronted, in this book, with suspicions about a politician’s truthfulness. They find themselves delving into stories the mainstream press ignores, undercover information that mainstream reporters do not bother to seek, and publish them.

This fiction book gives a nod to a real political story. It points out how Internet research can be faulty, but it can also allow people to dig for, and find, the truth. Internet bloggers are increasing their importance as news sources.

The book presents a blogger who describes himself as a citizen-journalist. It notes that many bloggers write mostly opinions and that many of their writings have little value except to a few readers. Yet more bloggers are seeking truths on matters and are doing so without financial gain. They may editorialize, but they seek to present a truth as they see it.

A scandal is in the eye of the beholder, as the author demonstrates. People were shocked when Gennifer Flowers claimed she had an affair with Governor Bill Clinton, Yet when she claimed she was rewarded with a secretarial job that paid $17,000, others began doubting the degree of scandal that any relationship between the two would yield such a small salaried position.

A politician is presented in this book. Many suspect she has a secret. The author contacts an obscure relative whom the mainstream media has ignored. Through this contact, he solves the puzzle of a scandalous family secret.

The mainstream political media is presented as a group that en masse prints similar stories. They mostly learn what politicians tell them, report it, and each reporter devours the same facts as presented to them by politicians’ opponents. Few reporters seek to discover facts from outside the mainstream sources.

The book notes the nastiness of politics. Candidates find small facts about opponents and exaggerate them to make them appear more scandalous than they really are. For instance, a person who pays child support and pays late once becomes a “deadbeat dad”.

The book’s leading character questions why a pregnant politician with an admitted high risk pregnancy whose waster broke, a condition most physicians state should require immediate hospitalization, would fly several hours and drive several more hours to a hospital. That trip is illogical. Meanwhile, her unmarried daughter has missed the last four months of school. The blogger searches for a connection, and discovers an answer that most would not suspect. Might a ruse sending suspicion to a daughter who proves not to have been pregnant in fact have hidden who really was pregnant?

The main character realizes the truth can be established in medical records. Yet, the politician refuses to release the records that could validate her claims she was the birth mother and not a daughter. When the doctor releases a statement, it fails to convince the critics, as it mentions the politician “has” the baby but never alludes to the fact that the politicians gave birth to the baby.

The blogger, in contact the disregarded distant relative, learns a family secret he observed while attending a family funeral. While bloggers were speculating about the birth hiding a scandal, might there in fact have been an even greater scandal that was hidden? This book expertly unwinds the mystery.


Blogger Tchaikovsky Sounds Funny said...

And a hapy February 4 to you, too.

2:23 PM  

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